Extracts taken from the poetry diary
The Strength to Change the Heart,
A Transformational Journal
By Donny Duke
At certain times it just hides us.
What we know fresh from God
Aligns us with the unknown.
I'm in this deep pocket.
The outer figures are a story's match.
Have access to unlimited material.
Would you broaden this arm?
I can't eat the limited
And still find time for You.
I'm startin' up the circle again
Where You are my center piece.
Help, the reader asks,
I can't borrow this.
Before awakening
You would need to ride a locomotive.
It's your center on faith.
Give him his line.
Wide the world-line said.
Carry this a little bit.
Where would be muscle back our history?
We haven't always been animals in flesh.
We came here a hope and a promise.
Though evil started out our days as walking men,
Or a branded touch,
Inevitability saw us rise.
This was no accident in time.
I am keen on motor skills.
Having become self-conscious men
We breached the world with our thoroughfare.
God's behavior
Was not our mounting close.
We come upon the world a branded claim,
And we engineer our strife.
Mars people said.
It's square one on us.
There needs to be a History lesson
Of the right attitude,
What we had and hid inside.
Are you gonna show up or not?
In our night's crawl,
At the vague beginnings of the race,
Large open lids looked out intah time.
There was a man,
The first from what I understand.
He killed.
To escape death
He just took off.
In this mountain hideaway
A seer's page was born.
He trained his body to relax,
And he listened.
Jacob will probably come.
It could've been Fredrick.
The listen page begins.
He played with the muse.
He doesn't
Have a fixed aim yet.
Well, divinity rose in him
To show him human worth.
He doesn't have a picture yet.
He holds open his stuff,
And in a moment that determined our future
He had a meeting with the Sun.
This held him open.
And he heard that...
Well what happened was...
He couldn't keep the vision.
No more his days alone.
He made a mistake.
He picked the wrong man
To buy with him.
What a boulder.
It will grow anyway.
Can't do.
There's so many pictures.
Relax your timetable.
I need a translation.
It pushes you away from wrong.
Became the sole reason.
Great defeat sat upright.
Gotta get outta here.
Let's get to the point:
Became the long run.
Became a morality meter.
To surpass ourselves,
To go beyond the human measure,
To make the journey to our divinity,
Just became
The worship of stony Gods
And the rule to be good.
Now it's up to you.
Will you lift here
And cross thunder
To pick up our purpose lost in time?
Showed it in History.
A handful of heros.
Itemize daddy.
This is the reach for which I wrote.
What were we talking about?
I get lost so sometimes.
See, what I told yah, only good night.
I'm having to keep my hands clean.
I use up a rifle
I get to go up.
That's your husband,
Your ordinary kind of husband.
Come 'ere.
It's not
It helps further out our journey
So that we can iron out God.
It's medicine.
It's not our goal.
Nonetheless give out progress.
You'd find me here
Ticket agent
So you can see
Round out purpose.
You missed out
Captaining morality.
The debris from your report
Nailed 'im.
Get it over with,
Your rendezvous in my office
And find your own town's worth.
Come on,
Flexibility see?
Poetry will lift you out of form
If its center can create.
Man, you wanted to watch it.
Ok, I just wanna watch it from my hotel room.
I don't think you're gonna go down this road.
Can see the man he is waking inside.
Keep your voices down.
Yeah, leave 'im alone.
Great was revision of standard guitar.
Have it put you at ten.
You can have it.
That side
A focus is done, you sit in your room and you do it.
I would've diapered-lab for you.
Come on kid, don't scream.
People's coming under the Buddhist tradition.
It teaches you not to fight.
It teaches you not to worry.
There at the correct hold him
To go over here
And buy zero.
You have a golden temple of worth,
But can you find it?
It's not even real.
Our answer to the dying.
I'll come on a joy,
But see it for what it is,
A skeleton of nothing.
The Buddha found his answer.
He came intah Silent Mind.
American History,
It's useless American History.
You don't need to check it out anymore.
The world is an illusion,
A meaningless tale.
In Silent Mind
The world is not real.
It's a trick of the hat think,
Because you don't think anymore.
All is waiting still,
But you see only illusion's snare.
It has you by the corners.
A bare minimum has been gained,
A thin disguise of nothingness.
You would go out this way.
You don't believe it.
The rest of you is a smile
Of something warm.
In such silence
You can almost see a form,
What lies behind everything
Not wanting to be known,
The stark Absolute.
How did it get there,
And what is its intention?
Being simply aware,
With no pinpoint location,
These questions do not rise.
That's your exit.
It's Nirvana you've beheld.
That you would have a sense of home.
Buddha didn't question
The great leads of thoughtless life.
He was only awareness.
There was no center of himself
On which to bank a thought.
Yet great thoughts came out of him
Like fired from a gun.
What executed this,
Become aware by it?
Negative and positive,
Multiply the answer negative.
You never know.
I hope kiddo
You can go for something else,
For something.
Gloria's dead.
She's just a walking image.
She's missed the gate
To the beyond.
Her bliss didn't want anything,
And she saw no bridge
To the opposite side.
You did?
You don't have to be so careful
To interpret
As unreal.
No, English.
What kind of English you speak?
You speak no-English?
I'm having fine catch your problem
Like a warning.
Be cool,
The goal I forgot.
I reached this middle phase.
We're just behind Dhina,
We're just behind him.
Angelo's stomach was about to blow up at this point.
So was Angelo.
He couldn't see reason deep.
God was some moral figure
Hating sin.
It would be a beggar's lot
To bow to Him.
A new picture arose on the screen.
To become enlightened,
What does that mean?
And he singled out his purpose.
Life was just a fabricated lie,
A cheat and hue upon the senses.
He'd known it all along.
There we find our reason's chase,
A purposeless vast.
A dime to remember
The story true,
But he'd curled in his thinking.
Escape seized hold of his heart.
Am I rotten eggs here?
You're on the hammer down view.
Can I get back into the ashram?
It's a measured pace.
You'd need your ticket.
Wait around the edges some.
Open up this hillside,
Where you and God live alone.
They're all dead.
They may not be here,
The story-Gods.
I wanna rest a minute.
I don't wanna deal with You.
Go sit somewhere else.
God has no form,
But He's closer to you than your eyelids.
Or you hold a form,
But see His no-form through.
Silence is there on the margin.
I'll bring this out.
Jump in this riverboat,
I mean when you're ready.
How many rivers on a page?
How many pulled to ski party?
She joke boy, get you.
Oh please Charles stay with me,
Oh please darling.
The location you find of Silent Mind,
And you ask the Captain for return.
One thing we should know:
Any person of any faith
Can join this expedition.
It's a passageway to our grand design,
Our ticket through the universe.
We bridge infinity on this silence,
Holding dear our deep purpose.
This is our mounting towards Supermind.
On this thin edge it's built.
Am I hollering over your sight?
It's not a wayfarer's dream.
This is where reality meets the page.
Five forty-one,
Twas my personal answer spoke.
There is discovery here.
* * * *
Close to reality.
I'm pinpointing locations.
It's errors are our nights.
What's wrong?
It's not censored with us,
A pain in the world sees.
Did you know fish feel it?
I'm looking for somebody.
Can't find Him.
You know He's got a cosmic hand.
He just might not be listening sometimes,
The immortal Supermind.
That is a hole in your pouch.
I'm planning fix can manage.
The tallest ship was at anchor.
I want my chair please.
Anyone could have known,
But it works for both of us:
I see Him as a living game
Extended in time
But also feeling
Timeless measure.
What's decisive about this?
What did he say?
Supermind is a landscape all its own.
To raise His both flags:
Individual expressed in existence
And a timeless spaceless One.
He manages both fields
And a third:
He is all these existences.
It gives Him perfect relation.
Can He stand alone?
I'm not hungry.
He made reference to the fact He's not hungry.
Can it be He spoke?
There's a listening silence.
* * * *
I'm not gonna worry.
Everything's arranged perfectly.
This is supramental
In everybody.
Your name on it.
It orders the universe
Working out the principle whole.
It's a whole arranger.
This is perfectly expressed.
To our minds we see error and strife.
These are the superficial movements of the vaster plan.
A deep network of forces
Bring her,
Bring everything
Into a combined truth,
A harmony of sufficient lines,
Where they are going in school.
You would have to understand relation,
How as the inmost thing is expressed
A harmony is arranged in order:
All things together expressing their truth
Where the inmost is concerned.
Come, take a universe to do it,
Time and Space causality.
Here we are at One
Alive in details.
You're in the wash.
Now you see them.
The world is being arranged right in front of yah,
And you know its harmony swell.
This is your vision of God,
Real, concrete, and whole,
Wonderful to look at.
Purified to stand existence in that ray supernal
You look closely in the Sun.
* * * *
Made children look like ghosts oh boy.
Made children get out of the circle.
There, I had nothing to do with it.
What am I scraping here?
The average fact of children,
Their existence
As society measures it.
In a way I bespoke,
But it was God bespoke.
There's a soul in us.
Would that be the space,
Individual thinking mind?
Zero why not?
We're transparency.
Who can see the smoke for the bale?
We get up from our nap.
There soul we just were.
I'm glad I caught you.
A big backyard for my mind,
I try here oh.
Our children are walking strangers.
We teach them to enact the play.
This is done subconsciously.
You're not interested
In our dream behind.
I was very popular.
Twas outer vision that spoke.
Secret states
An inner kingdom wore
Are a hushed memory.
Come within a mile of me,
And your parents'll get worried.
Look you are this tree.
No, give it a name tag.
It's identity we fault the most.
There separation breeds lines.
Transpose this on a smile.
I'm not empty
Cram this in your brain:
This is turf son,
A territory all marked off.
You'd need to have respect for little leaves,
But you know all things are one:
A better way of puttin' it.
Why would God carry the whole
In all these many names?
And why would He build a star
In all this emptiness of Space,
And put our lives
Questions our kids should ask.
Please tell me I'm dreaming.
I wouldn't see so cut off.
A child is a rightful thought
In folded principles.
It is their fellowship play.
That last and third wave
Is the greatest son,
But it can't be near.
Your face shall touch that sky
In the fullness of your years.
This is the supramental science.
One minute.
Set to become elk
The children of the family man
When we've grown tall enough to climb.
How instinct.
A box you climb out of.
A mold you outgrow.
This is supramental law.
I'm a labor on worth.
Our children sleep here.
(If you’d like to read more of my verse but written not for
the Yoga specifically but for the world at large –socio/political/spiritual– or
have some inspired poetry of your own to submit I have a non-literary poetry ezine
of instrumental verse: